#gokindly cares about...

Our purpose is the make the world kinder. There are current issues close to our hearts. Here is some information on issues we care about:

  • Homelessness & lack of affordable housing in our beautiful city: https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/lack-of-social-housing-a-blot-on-victoria-20190129-p50ube.html
  • Domestic Violence: http://www.dvrcv.org.au
  • Access to safe & affordable contraception: https://www.mariestopes.org.au
  • Closing the education, healthcare and employment gap for Indigenous Australians: https://ncie.org.au 
  • Barriers for regional and remote young people to access higher education: https://www.ncsehe.edu.au/four-barriers-to-higher-education-regional-students-face-and-how-to-overcome-them/
  • Complex mental illness & trauma research: https://www.sane.org/